Thursday, April 22, 2010

Window Treatments Part Deux

Since we were talking about window treatments earlier today I thought I would mention one of my weekend DIY activities, it was so quick and easy I almost forgot to take pictures and document it for all 5 of my followers!
This is the awful, terrible, no good BEFORE photo the lighting was clearly an issue hence the need for a window treatment . . .

So, while my Dad was in town to help me patch my wall furnace hole we went by Home Depot to get some last minute supplies for the patching and I happened to swing by the window treatment section with the exact measurements of the bamboo blinds I needed for my bathroom.
2 pencil marks and 4 screws later and it was up!

TA-DA! Here's the AFTER with perfectly fitting bamboo blinds in my orange bathroom. Yes, I chose that orange color and yes I still like it after 5 months. I think the bamboo shade looks great if I do say so myself. Here's to window treatments!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The bamboo blinds looks great on your bathroom! You know what? It reminds me of the Asian resort and spa my family went to last year. Bamboo blinds provide a naturalistic appeal to a certain area that serves as a common decorative feature. If you want your room to have a relaxing atmosphere, you should use this type of blinds.

    Rene Veeravalli

  3. From a lifeless, boring window to a perfectly-fitting one. Great job! Your bamboo blinds perfectly blended with the overall design of your bathroom. It's been three years now. I hope you still have those bamboo shutters. There's a possibility that you've changed it though. Did you?

    Larry @ South FL Home Remodeling
